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Let’s Talk Logos Part 2: Creating Your Practice Logo.

Posted by Nancy Rausman - 14 November, 2016



Image by stuart miles courtesy of freedigitalphotos.netIn the last post I discussed the importance of a high quality practice logo and what you should consider when conceptualizing your design. Once that is done, you are ready to create your logo.

There are a number of routes you can take for logo creation, spanning from submitting your ideas to relatively cheap design contest sites or crowdsource marketplaces to hiring a professional designer that will work with you to develop a design.

When deciding which route to go you want to consider that sometimes you get what you pay for, although there are situations in which you can get a fantastic logo created without breaking the bank- if you know what you need. Here is some information to consider before you move ahead...

What you need to know about Design Contest/Crowdsource Marketplace Sites

While you can get a really cheap logo created from an design contest or crowdsource marketplace site like Fiverr or Design Crowd, you have to know what to look for. Some of these companies can take advantage of eager patrons who are design novices and sell you something that they aren’t really providing. While we know of positive experiences, we have seen clients who have ordered a custom logo, waited weeks and then received a re-sold stock logo instead.  Many business owners don’t know how to recognize the difference.  

If you are going to use a site like this, it is important to know what you are looking for to ensure that you are actually getting a real customized logo rather than a fake one generated off a free site. You also need to make sure that they provide a design that can be used for print as well as online.  We have seen practices order a logo that is not suitable for print and then need to redesign the logo anyway.

If you are looking to save money and are prepared to go this route, other sites such as Crowd Spring, Design Crowd, Dribble, and 99Designs are also options you might want to look into. You can also check out sites like  The Crowder which compares these sites and helps you to determine the parameters you want to look for in choosing one.

Hiring a Professional

If you can afford it, it is worth the investment to go with a high quality logo created by a local graphic designer who you can talk to and get faster and better results. When you hire a designer they take the time to get to know your practice and create a logo that really distinguishes you and captures your brand. They are able to speak to you, get to know your culture and incorporate that essence into your logo. You can also work in tandem until you find something you like based on your designer’s creativity.

To determine how much of an investment this will be, check out  How Much to Make a Logo, a site that includes a calculator to show you the amount of work it takes and how much it costs to design a quality logo. Behance is another similar (and expensive) option. These sites enable you to enter in the parameters you are seeking in branding and logo creation so you can get an accurate assessment of how much the process will cost.

If you are practice trying to brand or rebrand yourself, why settle for a low quality logo when you can make a real impression? Spend time in advance to decide what you are looking for and how you plan to use the logo. Then decide on your budget. Just remember, in this case, skimping may end up costing you more in the long run.

Topics: logos, branding

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